God of Light, God of Darkness: Ke Akua o ke Ao, Ke Akua o ka Po, The Chronicles of the Spiritual Battle for Hawaii


An amazing true story that will change your worldview of indigenous cultures forever and keep you turning pages. Written in story form, it is as exciting as your favorite fiction novel; and yet, this story is all true. Beginning in ancient, exotic Hawaii, this story weaves it’s way through Hawaiian History culminating in the incredible fulfillment of an 800 year old Hawaiian prophecy in miraculous fashion. This book will change the way you see God, Christianity, and indigenous culture forever.

“I have waited seven years to tell this story. It has taken that long to obtain permission from the matriarch of the `Iokane family to write this story; after all, much of this story is their family legacy, the 800-year-old prophecy and the promise of ‘The One’ that was fulfilled on March 14.1998.

I can now continue in the mission to which God called me many years ago. He told me to, ‘Tell all people that I (God) have this same story of faithfulness and love for them that I have for Hawaii.”

Daniel Kikawa, B.S., Ph.M., Ph.D. (Intercultural Studies)
(Daniel Kikawa grew up in Hawaii and learned from his Hawaiian family about Hawaiian history and culture. He has also researched Hawaiian history and Cross-Cultural issues for over 30 years. Daniel teaches around the world on Cross-Cultural issues. He is also the Senior Pastor of HMC Christian Church.

“I have known Daniel Kikawa for 15 years. He had told me the story of the fulfilling of the ancient Hawaiian prophecy many years ago. I am glad to see this important testimony of God’s love for the Hawaiian people finally recorded in writing. Whoever you are, God has left a testimony of His love within the culture and history of your people, too. I hope this book will encourage you to look for it!”

Don Richardson
(Don Richardson is the author of the Best Selling books, Peace Child and Lords of the Earth, and the Christy Award Book of the Year, Eternity In Their Hearts)

God of Light, God of Darkness: Ke Akua o ke Ao, Ke Akua o ka Po, The Chronicles of the Spiritual Battle for Hawaii


An amazing true story that will change your worldview of indigenous cultures forever and keep you turning pages. Written in story form, it is as exciting as your favorite fiction novel; and yet, this story is all true. Beginning in ancient, exotic Hawaii, this story weaves it's way through Hawaiian History culminating in the incredible fulfillment of an 800 year old Hawaiian prophecy in miraculous fashion. This book will change the way you see God, Christianity, and indigenous culture forever.

God of Light, God of Darkness: Ke Akua o ke Ao, Ke Akua o ka Po, The Chronicles of the Spiritual Battle for Hawaii


An amazing true story that will change your worldview of indigenous cultures forever and keep you turning pages. Written in story form, it is as exciting as your favorite fiction novel; and yet, this story is all true. Beginning in ancient, exotic Hawaii, this story weaves it's way through Hawaiian History culminating in the incredible fulfillment of an 800 year old Hawaiian prophecy in miraculous fashion. This book will change the way you see God, Christianity, and indigenous culture forever.